Crunchies & Munchies…the story.
Crunchies and Munchies’ owners, Morris and Trish Janey, transferred to Ocala in 1984 to manage a restaurant of a well-known corporate chain. Dissatisfied with the corporate model, Morris and Trish decided to set off on their own to try a hand at owning and operating a restaurant of their own. While checking out the local market of turn-key restaurants for sale they came upon Crunchies & Munchies. Interestingly, they drove past this restaurant on their way to work every day for the previous year and a half but had never stopped to check it out and didn’t even know what “Serving Buffalo Wings” meant.
Morris and Trish met the owners who were reluctantly selling their business and were gracious enough to give them a tour of the restaurant. The owners shared how Crunchies & Munchies came to be, the origination of Buffalo Wings and how to properly prepare and serve them. Impressed with the food and the operation, Morris and Trish decided to take a leap of faith and buy the restaurant with the help of Morris’ parents who secured the financing for the young couple. Although Billie and Ray, Morris’s parents, lived in North Carolina they never let an opportunity go by to promote Crunchies & Munchies and even helped out while visiting. They were very proud of Morris and Trish and thrilled to be a part of Crunchies and Munchies. Sadly, Billie and Ray are no longer with us, and they have been joined in heaven by their beloved grandson, Spencer, the youngest of Morris and Trish’s twin sons.
In 2016 Morris and Trish bought property about a mile and a half from the original northeast location and built a Crunchies & Munchies free-standing building which is on the east side of Ocala. Today, there are two Crunchies & Munchies locations in Ocala: the “new” original location and the second, which opened in 2018, on the south side of town, near Belleview.
Crunchies & Munchies has now been in business for an unbelievable thirty-seven years. Although Morris and Trish believed they could work as hard and long as necessary to build a successful restaurant, they never thought so far ahead to think they’d still be operating and going strong nearly forty years later. Currently, their oldest twin son, Coleson, is taking over the reins and doing a fantastic job. Coleson has developed strong management skills with a strong vision and a fresh perspective for Crunchies & Munchies’ future growth in an ever-evolving industry.